Chuck Gulls build log
Scott Voigt will be doing a Thermic 50X build.
Thermic 50X - Scott's build log.
Adrián Muiño from Argentina will be doing a build log for an electric Thermic 70.
Electric Thermic 70 - Adrián's build log.
Thermic 18" build log is here:
Thermic 18" build log
Thermic 20" build log is here:
Thermic 20" build log
Thermic "B" build log is here:
Thermic B build log
Thermic 50 build log is here:
Thermic 50 build log
BETA Builders
If you fancy yourself as a pretty good builder we might have a fun opportunity for you. We're looking for a few "beta" builders who can help us test new kits and create build logs. You'll need to have a digital cam and a commitment to complete the build. In return we send you the kit for free or at cost for our larger scale kits. We have several kits right now that we're looking for help on so if you'd like to become a beta builder send me or Tom an email and we'll tell you how you can get started.
I wanna build a Beta
Posted by: Lee | April 20, 2009 at 10:21 AM
I am a 35 year RC builder who has built professionally, as well as built for published reviews.
I have been published in RCEzine, and am currently a Moderator at
My current schedule is wide open, and I could perform a very professional review for you.
Posted by: Jim Bonnaredel | April 22, 2009 at 06:40 PM
I could commit to build the Thermic 50 or 70, and compose a build log, but video is not available to me.
Posted by: Daniel Tabor | May 04, 2009 at 07:33 AM
Hi! If living in Israel is not an obstacle distance-wise, I'd be more than happy to beta build the Thermic 50 or 70. I am fairly used to creating build logs as most of my builds have been documented on RCGroups and/or my website.
Posted by: Rene Wallage | May 31, 2009 at 02:24 PM
He empezado a construir desde 1953 en la Escuela de Aeromodelismo de Pontevedra (Spain)de la que he sido instructor puedo construir cualquier tipo de avión, soy Ingeniero Tecnico jubilado, sigo activo en el hobby y compitiendo en grandes maquetas de veleros y F3b, F3f pero lo que más me gusta es construir aviones de vuelo a vela antiguos en madera domino cualquier tipo de tecnica, he construido en tamaño real y pilotado el avión Aircamper Pietenpol
Posted by: José Antonio Liste Coego | June 23, 2010 at 08:04 PM