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When will the 1:4 2-33A be available? I understand from Tom that Ren is building the beta kit.


Hi Brian,

Target date of Aug 1 for the 1:4 scale 2-33a


Does the short kit include the canopy and/or the formed nose cone? If not, are they available from any source because I do not have the capability to form them myself?


Does anybody monitor this thread? I also sent an e-mail a week ago with the same question and have not received an answer, either.

Sorry Kirt we do monitor these threads - I responded by email but sent it to Tom and not you doh! Here was the reply:

to Thomas Martin
date Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 9:16 PM
subject Re: A078 - Schweizer SGS 2-33a 1:8 Scale Short Kit

hide details Jun 4 (6 days ago)


Follow up message
Hi Kirt,

The short kit price includes the canopy. You'll need to shape the nosecone from balsa block.

I have two kits in stock if you would like to order.

Thanks for your interest!
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On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 5:12 PM, Mike Smock wrote:

Mike Smock
Aerosente Glider Workshop
Balsa Wood Gliders/Sailplanes
NORCAL - 415.234.6757
[email protected]

Begin forwarded message:

From: "ModelAirplanes"
Date: June 4, 2009 4:49:40 PM PDT
Subject: A078 - Schweizer SGS 2-33a 1:8 Scale Short Kit

June 4, 2009


Does the A078 - Schweizer SGS 2-33a 1:8 Scale short kit include the canopy and/or the formed nose cone? If not, are they available from any source because I do not have the capability to form them myself?


Kirt Blattenberger
Airplanes and Rockets
[email protected]
1639 Westwood Drive
Erie, PA 16505

- Hide quoted text -
Mike Smock
Aerosente Glider Workshop
Balsa Wood Gliders/Sailplanes
NORCAL - 415.234.6757
[email protected]

Good day,
I am in terested in this 1/8 kitbut have a comment and a question or two.
- When I click on the
"Listed below are links to weblogs that reference A078 - Schweizer SGS 2-33a 1:8 Scale:" link it simply refresh this page? Do you have an actual build log for this kit?
- The kit description state:
"Servos Req'd: Optional rudder, elevator.
FUNCTIONS: RC Rudder, Elevator, Ailerons, Dive Brakes ", Does the kit include all the parts to build the ailerons, dive brake elevator & rudder??? Do the plan indicate or suggest which servos to use and other components?
- This will be my first build am I dreaming of being able to build this?
- what exactly is missing from a "short kit" to be able to complete the construction?
What would be the total cost?
I love your kits, I am thinking of also getting the Thermic70, and secretely dreaming of the SGU 1-7.
can you also reply to my email address?
Thank you,

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