Aerosente offers scale instrument panel kits for all of our 1:5 scale and larger sailplane and glider kits. Mike has made the executive decision to include them in all of the kits for which thy are available and I concur completely. Although in the past I have not included the instructions with these laser cut optional kits, I thought I would publish them here for reference.
Our SGS 2-8 or TG-2/LNS-1 6.3 meter 1:2.5 scale instrument panel kit. The placards and other details from the print are cut out prior to laminating the print to the back of the panel, and then applied on the face of the completed and painted panel. Two place training gliders panels for both seat positions.
1. Release all parts from the cut sheets and sand the face sides of each to soften the edges. Keep them oriented with this side up for reference later or mark them;
2. Clean all parts well with mild soap and water solution and allow to dry completely;
3. Test fit the lenses to the openings and if all are okay, proceed;
4. Center each of the bezel parts on their corresponding panel cutouts and cement;
5. Paint the G10 glass panel and compass assemblies with primer and allow to dry;
6. Buff out the primer with fine steel wool and clean with compressed air;
7. Paint the assemblies with flat dark gray or black paint and allow to dry;
8. Insert the clear lenses from the back, into the panel and compass face;
9. Seat the clear parts so they are all in the same plane as the panel and cement from the rear with two or three drops of CA to wick into the joint line;
10. Cut out the print panel, compass and placards slightly oversize;
11. Cement the panel print using a slow cure cement painted on the hidden portions with a small brush, following the same procedure the compass print on its separate assembly;
12. Position the cemented prints behind the panel/compass and press them between two flat and clean surfaces until the cement is well cured;
13. Trim out the excess panel/compass prints up to the G10 edges with a sharp blade and final trim the placards with scissors and cement compass and placards in position on the front of the panel using the same prodedure as in step 11;
14. Knobs, toggle switches, round head screws may be detailed with bits of Plastruct or drops of cement applied on the panel and instruments if desired for more realism and painted separately with a small modeling brush using plastic hobby paint colors;
15. Paint the interior cockpit areas and affix the panels in place when dry;
16. Knobs for tow release and handle for spoiler actuation are made from a wood or plastic bead and bits of dowel, attached with a short piece of spring wire, painted as needed.
Completed panel installed in the 1:5 scale SGS 1-23 built by Jim Hoffer.
NOTE: Don't use a filling primer or, if using an airbrush, thin the
paint so as not to fill the screw head details, similar to techniques
used for detailed plastic models. Some defects in the finish that
appear as weathering or wear are not a bad thing.