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Richard Smith Interviews

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Hi everybody,

as already mentioned in RCG, I shall not be able to start my quarter size 1-23 build log before next month. In the meantime I have received the parts kit and I expect to get the latest data set for the 1/4 size plan printout any time. With that available, I shall search for a printing shop which can handle larger pieces of paper... and start the shopping list for the remaining spar and sheeting material purchase.

Just a brief word about myself: I am an electronics engineer by trade, retired, almost 67 years old and in the model airplane hobby since some 56 years... A few years back, by learning about Tom Martin`s activities with scale woodies, I found back to the early days where we built the planes from wood only. I have been concentrating on sailplanes and e-powered sailplanes only since some 25 years and with a good range of flight ready planes, there is enough time and calmness to build a wooden plane - and sneak out of the shop whenever the weather calls for the flying field.


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